Cognitive Styles and Trustworthiness Expectations
This is a conference presentation of research on trust in relation to the Red, Blue, and Green dimensions of the Diversity Icebreaker. It was presented at the Canadian Psychological Association’s convention 2022.
This research examined the link between the Diversity Icebreaker dimensions of Red, Blue, and Green, as cognitive styles, and the characteristics associated with of trustworthiness. The data were compiled in 2021 based upon 387 participants who scored the 11 trust-items that comprise the Diversity Icebreaker trust add-on module. The research was conducted as a part of activities within the Trustworthiness Research Alliance ( Bjørn Z. Ekelund gathered the data. Data analysis was performed by Catherine T. Kwantes and Susanne McMurphy at the University of Windsor in cooperation with student Mashid Soleimani.
Reference: Kwantes, C., McMurhpy, S., Soleimani, M & Ekelund, BZ. Cognitive Styles and Trustworthiness Expectations. Canadian Psychological Association 2022, the 83rd Annual National Convention. June 17th - 19th, 2022, at the Hyatt